
Launch Global

  • Launch Global is the simple, sacrificial step people take before going to the nations long-term. They equip in cross-cultural ministry, team conflict skills, abiding and prayer rhythms, character development, missiology, equipping locals, and a skillful theology of Gospel, suffering, discipleship, and church planting to help workers stay longer on the field.

  • Context: If you desire to go, they place grads on missions teams ALL over the world in a variety of contexts and ministries.

    Commitment: Launch Community is 9 months, then long term on the field

    Contact: Brandon Brinkley (brandon@redeemerlubbock.org)

Campus 2 Campus

  • Mission: C2C's mission is to mobilize students in the US to adopt global university cities in order to see local disciples and churches multiple from campus to campus, city to city, and to the ends of the earth. We do this by sending healthy teams who are connected to God and each other in community, who seek to be humble learners that contextualize the Gospel based on their local context, and who are willing to courageously take risks and suffer for the sake of the Gospel. Out strategy, as outsiders, is to raise up the next generation of local students who will be the ones to reach their own cities and UPGs with the Gospel!

  • Context: Currently doing work in 5 different countries in the 10/40 window. They have a similar heart, DNA, and ministry style to StuMo. Several former StuMo grads serve on those teams.

    Commitment: 2 months summer team and 2-year residency

    Contact: John (john@campus2campus.org)


  • The vision of Christar is to cultivate Christ-honoring transformation in communities where He is yet to be worshiped. They seek to glorify God by establishing reproducing fellowships of believers among the least-reached Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, refugess and the Deaf around the globe.

  • Context: They have current teams ministering everywhere. We have specific connections with teams in SE Asia, Turkey, and Jordan.

    Commitment: Short term to long term

    Contact: Andrew (andrew@imi.org) - Former Traveling Team member who knows StuMo well

Radius International

  • Radius (radiusinternational.org) A missionary training school for those who want to go to unengaged language groups - the last remaining people in the world without a church or a Bible in their language. They are heavy in language and doctrine. If you want to pioneer the first-ever church in a people group they are likely the best training you can get. Several StuMo grads have completed or are currently attending. You can visit the school to get a feel for it.

  • Context: Wherever there are people groups without a church or Bible in their language.

    Commitment: 10-month training school before launching to field.

    Contact: Fill out interest form on website